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Atkins Weight Loss Diet Plan

Atkins weight loss diet program is very popular nowadays, partly because you may eat whatever you want according to it, but only reduce the quantity of the so-called simple carbohydrates which are harmful for our health, such as cookies, bread, sodas, candies, etc.

Actually, Dr. Atkins designed his diet for diabetes patients in order to control their insulin level but his program appeared so attractive to the people who had already got tired of starving that Atkins weight loss diet program became very popular.

If you want to follow this diet, you have to read all the steps of Atkins weight loss diet plan attentively. The first and, perhaps, the main rule of this program, is that everything should be done little by little. If you just reduce the amount of food comprising carbohydrates without any preparations for your organism, such changes may even be harmful for you.

Dr. Atkins weight loss diet plan includes 3 stages that will help you and your organism get accustomed to the new way of life.

* The first stage lasts for 14 days and, as Dr. Atkins reassures, you will lose up to 14 pounds during this time. According to Dr. Atkins weight loss diet system you should reduce your carbohydrates to 20 grams per day. Exclude all the vegetables except lettuce, tomatoes and broccoli. You should not eat fruit, yogurt and potatoes. Forget about morning coffee and alcohol. You may eat fish, chicken, shellfish, meat, and eggs. You may also eat a little cheese. Make salads of escarole, fennel, cucumber, lettuce, and mushrooms. Besides, do not forget about the things that are prohibited during this period of time. Thus, exclude bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables, nuts, fruit, legumes and dairy products (except cheese and butter).

All these restrictions have to cause a change in your organism that will lead to the lipolysis, in other words, your fat will be burnt for energy.

* The second and the third stages of Atkins weight loss diet plan are meant to just help you realize whether or not you are able to follow this diet for a long period of time and maybe even for all your life. Why should you decide it, if it seems so easy to follow this diet and have an excellent result, you might ask? Well, the main rule of our life is that everything has its advantages and drawbacks and the Dr. Atkins weight loss diet plan is no exception of this rule.

All in all, the Atkins weight loss diet is easy to follow, there are no graphics or severe restrictions, but you will have to follow this diet all your life. The Dr. Atkins weight loss diet may also cause headaches, heart beating and even hair loss. You should notice that doctors usually recommend to have no less than 120 grams of carbohydrate per day for good brain function, while according to Dr. Atkins, a person has to intake about 20-60 grams per day. As we know, vegetables, fruit and nuts are necessary for our health and so should be a part of our daily ration. The limitation of these products may cause health problems, so consult your doctor before starting to follow any best weight loss programs.